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Kenali Gejala Awal Penyakit Jantung Sejak Dini!

Traits or gelaja heart disease is very important for sufferers of heart disease. The heart is one of the organs in the human body that has the most important function, it can be said that human life is centered on the heart. The heart had a very important function, that is pumping blood throughout the body and return them after lung – pulmonary people cleaned. When the heart starts to work pumping blood throughout the body, the heart is also ridding the body of metabolic results (carbon dioxide). So when carrying out its functions the heart collects oxygen-deficient blood from the entire body, then memompanya leading to the lungs by way of darh on the heart takes oxygen and expel carbon dioxide.
Penyebab dan gejala awal penyakit jantung - inkesehatan
Early Symptoms Of Heart Disease
Many people already know that heart disease is the most dangerous disease. Data from the WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION said that heart disease is the number one killer in the world. In 2008 there were about 7.25 million people in the world died due to heart disease. Usually when someone is suffering from heart disease, he will get some of the symptoms of heart disease that is often perceived. Here there are nine traits of gelaja heart disease:
1. too often the pain in the head that is not endurable also can be a symptom of heart pain. Sick in the head usually often felt if it affected a sunburn, then debaran heart felt the sooner or even also can be very slow. For the ladies if too often feel pain migraine on and he also suffered from heart disease, it could cause the storage of blood circulation.
2. pain in the chest may not mean he exposed heart pain, but pain in the chest is also one of the symptoms of a sick heart. To ensure this, can by trying memriksakan in physician experts. Pain in the chest that caused heart disease due to blockage of the artery resulting in blood cannot flow throughout the body.
3. symptoms of heart disease can also be seen from the pain is often felt in the body. If clogged arteries cause pain in specific parts of the body. If you often feel like it, you should try to check with the experts at the doctor. And ask for a supplement or drug to cure or relieve pain.
4. If the daily activities and live to say such activities are not severe but often feel tired, or as a symptom of the disease anemia should you have to be careful – heart with it. One of the early signs of heart disease is often feel tired despite not doing other heavy activity.
5. shortness of breath could be said also the symptoms of heart disease . Shortness of breath can be caused by blood vessels that block the flow of blood that will be transmitted to the whole body which can cause not had heart rate, this resulted in the presence of a thickening of the heart muscle danjuga who suffered heart valve abnormalities.
6. often feel nauseous is also one of the symptoms of heart disease. At first the swelling in the stomach only, but will be menyelur on heart function. Frequent nausea not just suspected of having heart disease, but also could be a symptom of other diseases. So if you often feel nauseous should check with a doctor expert, and asked to be given supplements.
7. people suffering from heart disease also often feel the anxiety on the small things. When a person feel anxious, jantuk rate will work faster and unhealthy. That is why, many people who suffer from heart disease if given to excessive shock will feel the pain in her heart, was caused by an adrenaline pumping heartbeat is becoming increasingly fast and above the normal limit.
8. the swelling usually also often felt by sufferers of heart disease. This swelling usually occurs in certain parts of the body such as in the ankle, the abdomen or anywhere. This is caused by the presence of fluid that builds up in the body.
9. Often sweat out but did not do the things that are heavy. This is also one of the symptoms of heart disease are often found. But not many people are responding to symptoms of this one. Thus many consider this is an ordinary thing.
If you mersakan one, or a few gelaja above should immediately check with a doctor who expert. Memilihara heart to stay healthy is very important for the body, because the heart is the core of the organ in the body. Have heart disease could not yet be healed, of course it can be cured. Start set a pattern of healthy living, and set the dining and sports as well. Regular consultation with a doctor who expert. Or if you prefer to use herbal medicines at least regular consumption. Gelaja characteristics of heart disease should be able to get people to be more careful with what is often said, so that they may more carefully maintain health.

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